Friday, August 7, 2015

Let's start

I know, the PGT of Cassina de' Pecchi was adopted by the city administration near a month ago* and I'm a bit late to start this new blog and to start to work on the so called Piano di Governo del Territorio. This is ok, but you know I have just few time to spend studying and thinking about this my new village.

- F1 - Strategic map of plan's document -

Anyway, let's start from the early questions:

  1. Where can I find the documents related to Cassina's PGT?
  2. Is there any comment from adminstration and opposition on the adoption of the new PGT?
  3. What is the next step?

Where can I find the documents related to Cassina's PGT?

All the PGT documents are posted on this Google Drive** link. All the documents are splitted in four folders:

  • Documento di Piano (plan's document): this set of documents describes the PGT strategy. What is the starting point and the destination of entire Cassina de' Pecchi's territory.
  • Piano dei Servizi (services plan): this set of documents describes the services need of Cassina people and firms, describe the existing services and design the future ones.
  • Piano delle Regole (rules plan): this set of documents describes what are the rules applied on each area or on the different building types. It propose some transformation too.

Is there any comment from adminsitration and opposition on the adoption of the new PGT?

I look for official comments on the adoption, what I found on the web are this official comment from administration (I guess it was wrote by Sandro Medei the PGT responsible in the local government), this comment from Movimento Civico Cassina-Sant'Agata and nothing from Uniti per Cassina group. I found this comment by Andrea Parma, Partito Democratico local secretary, too.

What is the next step?

And now? Now all the PGT documentation is published and available to all the citizens, associations, groups, parties and firms. Starting from September 1st who wants could make one or more observations to ask for a PGT modification. The deadline is September 28th at 6 p.m. o'clock.

The Observations (let me write it down with capital letter) are extremely serious: each of them will be analyzed by the PGT designers and voted by Cassina de' Pecchi City Council.


* July, 13 2015. Cassina Domani, the group that support city administration, gave 12 favourable votes. Opposition didn't vote against but they just decide to abstain.

** Do someone know why is not pubblishet on a Comune owned storage? Why do they use the cloud?

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